Coming up
- Sun
22 - Mon
23 - Tue
24 - Wed
25 - Thu
26 - Fri
27 - Sat
01:00AMC'est La Vie (II) [Mandarin] Now
01:30AMPremium Spectacular: Compassion Award 2024
03:00AMWe Are One [Mandarin]
03:30AMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
04:00AMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
04:30AMTiger Talk [Mandarin]
05:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
06:00AMHong Kong Hot Kitchen [Mandarin]
06:30AMWe Are One [Mandarin]
07:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
07:55AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
08:55AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
09:00AMCultural Canvas [Mandarin]
09:30AMVariety Show In Celebration Of The 25th Anniversary Of The Establishment Of the Macau SAR
10:30AMPremium Spectacular: Compassion Award 2024
12:00PMPhoenix Midday Express [Mandarin]
12:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
01:00PMPhoenix News Express [Cantonese]
01:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
02:00PMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
02:30PMFact Check On News [Mandarin]
03:00PMVariety Show In Celebration Of The 25th Anniversary Of The Establishment Of the Macau SAR
04:00PMDreamscapes, Architectural Wonders (II) [Mandarin]
04:30PMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
05:00PMTalk With World Leaders (III) [Mandarin]
05:30PMWe Are One [Mandarin]
06:00PMPhoenix Focus 1800 [Mandarin]
06:27PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
06:30PMNews Talk [Mandarin]
07:00PMThe World Connection [Cantonese]
07:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00PMPremium Spectacular [Mandarin]
09:00PMPhoenix Evening Express [Mandarin]
09:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
10:00PMMy Hong Kong Story [Mandarin]
10:15PMNews Times [Mandarin]
11:00PMCelebrity Face To Face (II) [Mandarin]
11:30PMChina Insight [Mandarin]
12:00AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
12:30AMNews Talk [Mandarin]
01:00AMGlobal Updates (II) [Mandarin]
01:30AMPremium Spectacular [Mandarin]
02:30AMCultural Canvas [Mandarin]
03:00AMCelebrity Face To Face (II) [Mandarin]
03:30AMWe Are One [Mandarin]
04:00AMGba Discovery(Phk) [Cantonese]
04:30AMMy Hong Kong Story [Mandarin]
04:45AMNews Times [Mandarin]
05:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
06:00AMWe Are One [Mandarin]
06:30AMC'est La Vie (II) [Mandarin]
07:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
07:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
08:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
09:00AMFact Check On News [Mandarin]
09:30AMWe Are One [Mandarin]
10:00AMChina Insight [Mandarin]
10:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
10:58AMSobem 2024 [Cantonese]
11:00AMPremium Spectacular [Mandarin]
12:00PMPhoenix Midday Express [Mandarin]
12:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
01:00PMPhoenix News Express [Cantonese]
01:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
02:00PMPhoenix Super Doctors [Mandarin]
03:00PMPremium Spectacular [Mandarin]
04:00PMCultural Canvas [Mandarin]
04:30PMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
05:00PMTop View [Mandarin]
05:30PMMy Hong Kong Story [Mandarin]
05:45PMMy Hong Kong Story [Mandarin]
06:00PMPhoenix Focus 1800 [Mandarin]
06:27PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
06:30PMNews Talk [Mandarin]
07:00PMThe World Connection [Cantonese]
07:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
08:30PMOur First One Hundred Years With Hong Kong
09:00PMPhoenix Evening Express [Mandarin]
09:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
10:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
10:30PMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
11:00PMC'est La Vie (II) [Mandarin]
11:30PMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
12:30AMNews Talk [Mandarin]
01:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
01:30AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
02:00AMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
02:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
03:00AMZoom In [Mandarin]
03:30AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
04:00AMC'est La Vie (II) [Mandarin]
04:30AMOur First One Hundred Years With Hong Kong
05:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
05:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
06:00AMCultural Canvas [Mandarin]
06:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
07:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
07:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
08:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
09:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
09:30AMC'est La Vie (II) [Mandarin]
10:00AMOur First One Hundred Years With Hong Kong
10:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
11:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
11:30AMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00PMPhoenix Midday Express [Mandarin]
12:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
01:00PMPhoenix News Express [Cantonese]
01:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
02:00PMLawrence Viewpoint (IV) [Mandarin]
02:30PMC'est La Vie (II) [Mandarin]
03:00PMOur First One Hundred Years With Hong Kong
03:30PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
04:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
04:30PMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
05:00PMZoom In [Mandarin]
05:30PMFact Check On News [Mandarin]
06:00PMPhoenix Focus 1800 [Mandarin]
06:27PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
06:30PMNews Talk [Mandarin]
07:00PMThe World Connection [Cantonese]
07:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
08:30PMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
09:00PMPhoenix Evening Express [Mandarin]
09:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
10:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
10:30PMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
11:00PMMainland Q&A (IV) [Mandarin]
11:30PMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
12:30AMNews Talk [Mandarin]
01:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
01:30AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
02:00AMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
02:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
03:00AMZoom In [Mandarin]
03:30AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
04:00AMMainland Q&A (IV) [Mandarin]
04:30AMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
05:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
05:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
06:00AMWe Are One [Mandarin]
06:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
07:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
07:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
08:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
09:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
09:30AMMainland Q&A (IV) [Mandarin]
10:00AMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
10:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
11:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
11:30AMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00PMPhoenix Midday Express [Mandarin]
12:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
01:00PMPhoenix News Express [Cantonese]
01:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
02:00PMCelebrity Face To Face (II) [Mandarin]
02:30PMMainland Q&A (IV) [Mandarin]
03:00PMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
03:30PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
04:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
04:30PMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
05:00PMZoom In [Mandarin]
05:30PMCultural Canvas [Mandarin]
06:00PMPhoenix Focus 1800 [Mandarin]
06:27PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
06:30PMNews Talk [Mandarin]
07:00PMThe World Connection [Cantonese]
07:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
08:30PMGba Discovery(Phk) [Cantonese]
09:00PMPhoenix Evening Express [Mandarin]
09:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
10:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
10:30PMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
11:00PMUpdated Military Status (II) [Mandarin]
11:30PMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
12:30AMNews Talk [Mandarin]
01:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
01:30AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
02:00AMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
02:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
03:00AMZoom In [Mandarin]
03:30AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
04:00AMUpdated Military Status (II) [Mandarin]
04:30AMGba Discovery(Phk) [Cantonese]
05:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
05:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
06:00AMFact Check On News [Mandarin]
06:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
07:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
07:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
08:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
09:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
09:30AMUpdated Military Status (II) [Mandarin]
10:00AMGba Discovery(Phk) [Cantonese]
10:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
11:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
11:30AMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00PMPhoenix Midday Express [Mandarin]
12:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
01:00PMPhoenix News Express [Cantonese]
01:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
02:00PMFact Check On News [Mandarin]
02:30PMUpdated Military Status (II) [Mandarin]
03:00PMGba Discovery(Phk) [Cantonese]
03:30PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
04:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
04:30PMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
05:00PMZoom In [Mandarin]
05:30PMCelebrity Face To Face (II) [Mandarin]
06:00PMPhoenix Focus 1800 [Mandarin]
06:27PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
06:30PMNews Talk [Mandarin]
07:00PMThe World Connection [Cantonese]
07:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
08:30PMHong Kong Hot Kitchen [Mandarin]
09:00PMPhoenix Evening Express [Mandarin]
09:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
10:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
10:30PMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
11:00PMDreamscapes, Architectural Wonders (II) [Mandarin]
11:30PMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
12:30AMNews Talk [Mandarin]
01:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
01:30AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
02:00AMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
02:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
03:00AMZoom In [Mandarin]
03:30AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
04:00AMDreamscapes, Architectural Wonders (II) [Mandarin]
04:30AMHong Kong Hot Kitchen [Mandarin]
05:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
05:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
06:00AMCelebrity Face To Face (II) [Mandarin]
06:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
07:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
07:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
08:57AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
09:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
09:30AMDreamscapes, Architectural Wonders (II) [Mandarin]
10:00AMHong Kong Hot Kitchen [Mandarin]
10:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
11:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
11:30AMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00PMPhoenix Midday Express [Mandarin]
12:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
01:00PMPhoenix News Express [Cantonese]
01:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
02:00PMWorld Insight With Shih [Mandarin]
02:30PMDreamscapes, Architectural Wonders (II) [Mandarin]
03:00PMHong Kong Hot Kitchen [Mandarin]
03:30PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
04:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
04:30PMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
05:00PMZoom In [Mandarin]
05:30PMHong Kong Perspectives [Cantonese]
06:00PMPhoenix Focus 1800 [Mandarin]
06:27PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
06:30PMNews Talk [Mandarin]
07:00PMThe World Connection [Cantonese]
07:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
08:30PMGlobal Updates (II) [Mandarin]
09:00PMPhoenix Evening Express [Mandarin]
09:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
10:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
10:30PMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
10:58PMSobem 2024 [Cantonese]
11:00PMTop View [Mandarin]
11:30PMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
12:30AMNews Talk [Mandarin]
01:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
01:30AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
02:00AMFrom Phoenix To The World (II) [Mandarin]
02:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
03:00AMZoom In [Mandarin]
03:30AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
04:00AMTop View [Mandarin]
04:30AMGlobal Updates (II) [Mandarin]
05:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
05:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
06:00AMChina Insight [Mandarin]
06:30AMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
07:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
07:55AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00AMPhoenix Morning Express [Mandarin]
08:55AMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
09:00AMChief Editor's Time [Mandarin]
09:30AMTop View [Mandarin]
10:00AMGlobal Updates (II) [Mandarin]
10:30AMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
11:00AMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
11:30AMZoom In [Mandarin]
12:00PMPhoenix Midday Express [Mandarin]
12:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
01:00PMPhoenix News Express [Cantonese]
01:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
02:00PMChina Insight [Mandarin]
02:30PMTop View [Mandarin]
03:00PMGlobal Updates (II) [Mandarin]
03:30PMNews Decoder [Cantonese]
04:00PMPhoenix Panorama [Mandarin]
04:30PMThe Great Era [Mandarin]
05:00PMZoom In [Mandarin]
05:30PMWe Are One [Mandarin]
06:00PMPhoenix Focus 1800 [Mandarin]
06:27PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
06:30PMNews Talk [Mandarin]
07:00PMThe World Connection [Cantonese]
07:57PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
08:00PMPremium Spectacular [Mandarin]
09:00PMPhoenix Evening Express [Mandarin]
09:55PMPhoenix Weather Forecast [Mandarin]
10:00PMPhoenix Super Doctors [Mandarin]
11:00PMTiger Talk [Mandarin]